As a smoker, vaper, or consumer of tobacco alternative products such as vapes, you will have noticed fundamental changes taking place to the vaping and smoking regulations and laws recently. The laws are governed and created toward two distinct categories: consumers and manufacturers or retailers. While the regulations for the latter are now well-established, the …
Where Can You Vape in the UK?
Ireland’s Smoking Ban: 20 Years Later, What Has Changed?
Twenty years ago, seemingly out of nowhere, Ireland took a bold public health step by implementing the world’s first nationwide smoking ban in indoor public places. No premises were spared, including bars, restaurants, and even private workplaces. It was a pioneering move that marked a giant shift in how societies approach smoking. Above all else, …
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The Economic Cost of Smoking: How Much is Your Habit Really Costing You?
Smoking has always been detrimental to your health, but in recent decades, it has also become extremely harmful to your wallet. If you live an ‘average’ life in the UK with a moderate income, smoking is almost certainly affecting your quality of life not just through health concerns but also through expense. With the cost …
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Smoking Trends Among UK Teens: What Parents Need to Know
Being a parent comes with a unique set of challenges. At every twist and turn of parenthood, there is an obstacle to overcome or a threat of some description to protect your kids from. For many parents, one of those threats lies in the habit of smoking. The good news is that we are currently …
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A History of Smoking Accessories From Traditional Pipes to Modern Gadgets
The process of burning tobacco for the sole purpose of inhaling smoke – only to coat your lungs with black tar and potentially prime your cells for cancer – is not just a modern absurdity. Our ancestors were also dragging themselves to an early grave by smoking tobacco. The thing is, our ancestors at least …
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Zero Nicotine Products: A Healthier Alternative to Smoking
We have known about the perils of smoking for decades, but despite the serious diseases caused by it – not to mention the yellow-stained teeth and whiffy clothes – the majority of smokers have always turned a blind eye to the negative effects and merrily continued puffing away. Until more recent times, that is. Finally, …
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Nicotine in the Kitchen: Six Common Foods That Contain Nicotine
Despite common belief, the much-maligned substance nicotine isn’t a man-made creation invented by cunning scientists in sinister laboratories. Given the association between nicotine, addiction, and illness, you would be forgiven for thinking something along those lines. But while nicotine certainly isn’t good for you, it isn’t quite as bad for you as many people assume. …
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How to Remove Nicotine Stains From Teeth
There are various reasons behind stained, yellowing teeth, but if you use tobacco products in the traditional way, you probably need to accept that smoking cigarettes is the chief culprit for your gnarly gnashers. Nicotine, the addictive chemical found in tobacco, is actually the most common cause of teeth discolouration, trumping all other reasons such …
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Disposable Vape Ban: Transitioning to Better Alternatives
If you are a ‘vaper,’ you will probably be aware of the UK government ban on disposable vapes starting in April 2025. The sweeping move follows Ireland’s vape ban and hopes to prevent the rise in youth vaping while also addressing alleged environmental concerns associated with disposable vaping products. As the ban rapidly approaches, this …