If you’ve been a smoker for any length of time or have looked at tobacco alternatives like vaping, you have probably heard of two products that provide nicotine delivery: combustion and vaporisation. While both have their loyal followers, the health implications, convenience, and user experience are entirely different between the two. In this short article, …
Combustion vs. Vaporisation in Nicotine Delivery
Can I Vape in a Hotel?
So, you fancy booking a few nights away at a comfy hotel, but you fear the grumpy, overworked receptionist will clock your vaping device and start laying down the law. Are you right to worry? Or is it fine to vape in a hotel these days? The problem is that the general attitude towards vaping …
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Quick Guide to Vaping at Festivals
After a couple of bleak pandemic years that saw most events cancelled, the festival season has firmly reestablished itself, with each passing summer delivering successful events all over the UK. Since resuming, nothing much has changed. The music is still amazing, the revellers are still having the time of their lives, and the port-a-loos remain …
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What Chemicals Are in Vapes?
If you enjoy the occasional vape, you’ve probably experienced a moment when the penny dropped, as a thought suddenly popped into your head. As you enjoy a few puffs on your Watermelon Whammy, a little lightbulb goes off, and you ask yourself, hang on a minute… what chemicals are in vapes, exactly? Surprisingly, it is …
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Does Vaping Cause Popcorn Lung?
Popcorn lung, also known as the more ominous-sounding bronchiolitis obliterans, is a rare but incredibly serious disease that ravages the lungs to the extent that they are unable to heal. Anyone suffering from this nasty affliction faces a terrible, incurable, painful ordeal bearing symptoms similar to that of COPD. Victims of popcorn lung can expect …
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The Rise of Illegal Vape Shops on UK High Streets
For many years, High Streets were the backbone of British society, a central point for locals to browse, shop, meet, and eat. They were baked into the British DNA, thriving with community spirit and endearing quirks like buskers, friendly bobbies, and loud fruit and veg vendors. High Streets gifted us with a fascinating mix of …
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Is Vaping Really Better Than Smoking?
With over seven thousand chemicals inhaled in each puff, some of which have joltingly ominous names such as formaldehyde, arsenic, ammonia, and benzene, it is little wonder that tobacco smoking is magnificently bad for you. That’s without even mentioning the lung-coating tar, whiffy clothes, and teeth so deeply stained that even an emergency dash to …
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Where Can You Vape in the UK?
As a smoker, vaper, or consumer of tobacco alternative products such as vapes, you will have noticed fundamental changes taking place to the vaping and smoking regulations and laws recently. The laws are governed and created toward two distinct categories: consumers and manufacturers or retailers. While the regulations for the latter are now well-established, the …
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Freebase Nicotine vs. Nicotine Salts: What’s Better for Vaping?
Many people who are trying to quit smoking often turn towards vaping as the preferable, reduced harm alternative that makes it easy to abandon cigarettes while still retaining the pleasurable ritual they associate smoking with. While vaping is certainly an effective way to break your cigarette habit, it also comes with a number of complications …